Harmonization and Pre-Standardization of Equipment, Training and Tactical Coordinated procedures for First Aid Vehicles deployment on European multi-victim Disasters.


Will increase EU overall resilience and effectiveness in cross-border disasters with multiple victims by enhancing transnational and cross-sectorial trust among different players and in their interaction with data-driven technologies.


The integration of the harmonized solutions will constitute the SIGRUN platform, providing advanced communications, information sharing and tactical C&C services for the first-aid responders.


Four use cases will be developed on cross-frontier and cross-sectorial BLOS (Beyond Line of Sight) scenarios, where the usual communications infrastructure could have been damaged, and emergency response teams are deployed without an accurate view of the operation environment.


MARCH 2023

Description and Benefits of VALKYRIES

The emergency medical system has a unique role when deployed as first aid response on disaster situations, where Multi-Casualty Incidents (MCI) tend to reveal resource insufficiency (rescue personnel, healthcare providers, facilities, etc.), significant breakdowns in the local health care facilities usually damaged or destroyed, malfunctioning communication infrastructure and the jeopardized ability to deliver additional resources. In order to address these situations and related ones, the different EU emergency teams have been quick to adopt the latest technological advances, such as digitalization, new generation communication networks, drones, etc., which have led to new opportunities for procedural and collaborative improvements. However, given the rapid proliferation of new related opportunities, their implementation often significantly precedes their standardization, leading to different intersecting practices. This reduced cross-border collaboration opportunities and difficult to define, schedule and enforce joint lines of industrial and research development able to bring common disruptive solutions to the EU response teams.

The challenge of this project is to analyse these gaps for then designing key pre-standardization and harmonization actions to be implemented in a reference integration platform and demonstrated in four different cross-border and cross-sectorial scenarios.

The consortium is coordinated by Indra Sistemas S.A. and brings together 17 partners from 8 EU countries.

H2020 VALKYRIES Project

H2020 VALKYRIES Project

Title: Harmonization and Pre-Standardization of Equipment, Training and Tactical Coordinated procedures for First Aid Vehicles deployment on European multi-victim Disasters

Type of action: Innovation Action
Topic: SU-DRS03-2018-2019-2020 Grant number: 101020676
Total Cost: € 6 895 326,25
EC Contribution: € 5 995 757,50
Start Date: 01/10/2021
End Date: 30/09/2023
Duration: 24 months
Project Web Site:
Key Words: Emergencies, Multi-victim disasters, Cross-border, Cross-sectorial, Reference Integration, Harmonization
Coordinator: Indra Sistemas SA

Standarization Prioritized Opportunities Methodology

With a total of 255 opportunities identified over the course of the project, there was a need for the development of a methodology for the selection of the most relevant.
It was decided to group these opportunities so that the Valkyries researchers could work on cataloguing, taxonomically homogenising, organising, assessing similarities and differences, and finally grouping the individual opportunities. This time the opportunities were analysed in two aspects: feasibility and impact.

Feasibility refers to how viable or achievable it’s the opportunity.
Impact refers to what is the effect or influence that the opportunity is expected.
A consultation to assess the relevance of these opportunities was carried out using a modified Delphi method, a structured communication technique used to gather expert opinion and knowledge on a particular topic or issue.
The questionnaire consisted of 13 questions, 7 for feasibility and 6 for impact. These questions had a measurable score from 1 to 10. In such a way that the results were comparable. Moreover, each of the questions had a weight in the final score.

The questions within the feasibility group were focused to evaluated aspects such as the resources or capacities of the system, ethical-legal regulation, technological advances and implementation costs.

With the answers to the questions and the appropriate weighting, a score was obtained for each group. One for feasibility and one for impact. In this way, the opportunity can be placed in a matrix format.

Following this methodology, 6 opportunities were selected for WP4, 5 for WP5 and 5 for WP6.

Valkyries project tools

The Valkyries project has a variety of tools developed by the different partners, that cover several operational services identified in the system architecture.

  • VALKYRIES Dashboard, As part of the VALKYRIES project, PARTICLE is developing a dashboard to represent the different elements associated with a Multi-Casualty Incident (MCI), including incidents, victims, involved response organisations, resources and assets, associated tasks and assignments. Based on PARTICLE’s AWARE Platform, this situational awareness tool provides an overview of reported incidents and the different resources mobilised (e.g., ambulances, first aid vehicles, personnel) to handle MCIs, allowing for the ongoing tracking of assigned victims’ evacuation and transportation. Further, the VALKYRIES Dashboard presents the location and routing of victims’ transport vehicles, as well as its estimated time of arrival at destination hospitals, and casualty information relevant for pre-hospital assistance and the victims’ hand-over to hospitals, including medical information and vital signs data.

  • iSAFETY is an INTEGRATED INCIDENT & EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM to deploy Call Receiving, Incident Dispatch and Tracking, Radio/Voice communications integration and Reports, based on Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Vehicle Location (AVL).

  • Hybrid Twin Lab (HDTL) is presented as a solution to the problem of digitization, modelling and assisting human beings and machines, at reasoning and analyzing the cyber operational joint picture. Based on a full spectrum digitation of the cross-domain cyber operational context, the IHDTL was developed for creating and dynamically updating a synthetic and immersive working environment for generating, integrating, managing and visualizing mixed scenarios composed of real, simulated or virtualized assets (digital twins); all of this under an isolated multi-domain environment where complex operational scenarios can be deployed both for training and mission planning.

  • Tassica MCI is a native Android app designed to support first responders in an MCI declaration, from the first info about MCI place (geo coordinates, photos, CBRN risk, ...) to victims first and second triage data (no personal information is collected). User can organize information of his/her own victims in a context of overflowing demand for assistance and maximum stress, facilitating rapid, effective, continuous and quality assistance to victims. Finally, user can send all collected data to email address of control center.

  • PARTICLE.TALK is a modern IP-based private digital communications service supporting multi-protocols for chat, audio and video communication, ideal to connect teams, working groups and organisations. Installed in PARTICLE’s cloud servers, the App supports presence details, send and read receipts, message notifications or alerts and the encrypted exchange of messages, as well as the sharing of multimedia files. In Multi-Casualty Incidents, PARTICLE.TALK connect the different teams and organisations involved in the response effort, ensuring the registry of all exchanged information. To ensure that the organisations have the full control of communications and shared contents, it is possible to host the system at the organisation customer’s facilities.

  • KystInfo is a web based layered sea-map system where many different layers with information can be activated and updated real-time by the coastal administration, its partners and registered users. Many layers are freely available by default, some examples are navigation installations, anchorage areas, harbours, marine charts, depth maps, real-time and historical AIS vessel data, hazardous areas, accident frequency and meteorological data (wind, wave hight and direction, precipitation, currents).

  • The AEODP platform platform provides its users with useful information in real or near real Time. It provides users with useful insights and information, in the form of layers on a map, by analysing satellite data. AEODP supports collection of Satellite data from sensors SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar). This feature provides users with high resolution images even during night-time or in cloudy areas. Also allows detection of small movements on the ground and effective land and water monitoring.

VALKYRIES Impact and Events

3rd Legal and Ethical Workshop

Sant’Anna (SSSA) organized on March the 3rd VALKYRIES project legal ethical WS at the Aula Magna of the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna in Pisa. With the title "Dealing with ethical legal issues in technology development: the current approaches adopted in ongoing projects", the most important ethical and legal aspects of the project were presented.

3rd Standardization Workshop

3rd Standardization Workshop Novotec (NOV) organized on Feb 28th the scheduled workshop for M18 that is the 3rd Standardization WS. The aim of this WS was to bring together main stakeholders of the security and emergency sectors as well as the EABs. The topics of the agenda included an overview about the Harmonization strategy, applied to the prioritization of chosen opportunities and sustainable international/European certification and assessment facilities.

4th plenary meeting

On January 31 – 2nd February, the fourth plenary of the project took place in Athens, Greece, organized by KEMEA. Throughout these three days, the latest developments and upcoming activities of the project were discussed, such as Use Cases, tools to be implemented and harmonisation opportunities. Members of the consortium reviewed key aspects related to progress made on all work packages, remaining deliverables and next steps. They've also highlighted the harmonization opportunities and UC in which they will be demonstrated. In addition, speakers presented recent liaisons, detailing projects objectives, work package structure, technologies that they have developed, integration tests, lessons learned and planned pilots.


On November 7-10th, a workshop on Community of European Research and Innovation for Security (CERIS) - Disaster Resilient Societies (DRS) will take place in Brussels in a hybrid format, coordinated by ETH Zurich. The VALKYRIES project has been invited to participate in these conferences and the project will be presented by the coordinator Juan Roman Arranz during the standardization session, together with other European projects such as STRATEGY, Aqua3S and PEERS.


The VALKYRIES project has been invited to be part of the Nicosa Risk Forum that will take place in Larnaca, Cyprus in November 15-16th. The event is being organized by the Center of Excellence in Risk and Decision Sciences (CERIDES) and will bring together representative stakeholders and experts to discuss about the civil protection within South-Eastern Europe. VALKYRIES will be presented by our partner Bulgarian Defence Institute.

2nd VALKYRIES Workshops

Indra (IND) organized on October 24-25th the scheduled workshops for M12 that is, 2nd VALKYRIES WS, 2nd Demonstration WS, 2nd Legal/ethical WS and 2nd Standardization WS. The aim of these WSs was to bring together main stakeholders of the security and emergency sectors as well as the EABs. Partners and members of the External Advisory Board participated, and the analysed gaps and opportunities were discussed, as well as the advances in the four final demonstration scenarios.

3rd plenary meeting

In October 2022 the third plenary meeting of the project took place in Norway, hosted by the University of South-Eastern Norway. This event coincided with the start of the second and last year of the VALKYRIES project. The work carried out during the first year of the project was reviewed.

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